What Is Your Audience Thinking?
When you have to give a speech, do you ever worry about anything like this?
"If I make a mistake, the audience will think I'm stupid."
"I have an accent. They won't listen to me or understand what I'm saying."
"They'll see how nervous I am and think I'm incompetent."
"English is not my first language. If I say things wrong, they'll laugh at me."
"I just know the audience is going to judge me and decide I'm no good."
If you've ever thought any of this, be comforted. You're not alone. Fear of what the audience is thinking is one of the most common reasons that folks refuse to get up to speak in front of a group. And it's a shame, because 9 times out of 10, the audience is thinking none of those things.
Why did they come to hear you speak in the first place? Doesn't matter whether they're required to come, i.e. to a company meeting, or they chose to come because you're speaking on a topic they're interested in, or they're there for some other reason. The truth is they came because you have something to say that they want to hear.