Marion Claire
The Speaking is Sexy Coach
“No matter the topic or occasion, Marion Claire has an uncanny ability to offer key tips and advice that help me connect with my audiences by leveraging my own style and story preferences. Even though many of my speeches involve highly technical subject matter, she quickly understands the “big picture” and provides advice that is on-point and impactful. Never have I worked with a more effective personal coach - -she genuinely cares about your success.”
Kevin O'Connell, CEO. MGO, Inc.
Become the Speaker you've always wanted to be!
Presentation Skills Coach
Specializing in:
Enhancing your current skills while removing any fear of speaking before large and small groups
Helping you create your presentation
Being your speechwriter if that’s what you need
Informing and entertaining your organization as a speaker for your next event
“Whenever you open your mouth to speak, and someone is listening, you have the opportunity to influence and to inspire. Being influential and inspirational… that’s very sexy!”
If you are...
Currently speaking in public
Thinking of speaking in public but procrastinating like crazy
Afraid to speak in public
Envious of people who speak confidently in public, or
Would just like a few tips on how you can speak better than they do...
Marion Claire will give you tips and techniques to become the accomplished speaker you've always longed to be.
When I talk about becoming a unique and sexy speaker, inevitably someone reminds me, "Well, you know people are more afraid of making a speech than they are of dying."
Time we laid that old chestnut to rest! People feel that way about lots of things. Some are deathly afraid of flying or bungee jumping or leaping from an airplane with a carefully packed parachute and a trained instructor strapped firmly to their back.
Ever hear the expression, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it"?
Many people are reluctant to get up and speak for fear the audience won't listen to them. Maybe they’re not naturally witty and afraid if they're not funny, nobody will pay attention. Maybe they’re worried the audience knows more about the topic than they do and will be sitting in judgment and finding them wanting.
These beliefs are false.
It's amazing how many times people ask me, "Where do you get the ideas for your Speaking Tips?"
It’s like my asking an accountant, "How do you know what to tell your client about his income tax?" Or a doctor, "How do you know what to tell your patient about his illness?" Whatever your profession, you've acquired a bank of information and experience that you can draw on to help your clients. You've become an expert and you have enough knowledge at your fingertips to help them solve their difficulties.
For over eighteen years, I have helped people all over the world improve their speaking, presenting, writing and networking skills. I coach management executives, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals of all kinds who want to overcome their anxiety and learn to enjoy public speaking.
Learn to speak like a pro!
Learn proven techniques that eliminate the most common difficulties speakers face!